Community Data-Loops for energy-efficient urban lifestyles
Despite targeted policies and technological innovations, household energy consumption is still increasing in Europe. This project seeks to break this impasse by enabling behavioral change through the design, implementation, and assessment of learning feedback loops supported by a web-based platform. It will enhance individual and community learning processes and inform policies for the smart use of big data.
CODALoop stands for COmmunities who discuss, share and co-create energy-related DAta/information. In the CODALoop platform, these discussions, sharing and co-creation processes take place in Loops. Loops between individuals and their community and between communities and the policy level. Though these Loops new meanings of energy are expected to emerge and inform innovative energy policy approaches. In the coming three years, researchers will facilitate, observe and contribute with extra input to these Loops.
As we speak, CODALoop community platforms are growing in local neighborhoods in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Graz and Leibnitz (Austria) and Istanbul (Turkey).
More information about CODA Loop is available on

Project Partners
University of Amsterdam

A’dam Economic Board

Amsterdam Smart City

PBL Netherlands Environmental Agency


TU Graz

City of Graz


Energie Steiermark

TU Yildiz


District Municipality of Kadikoy, Istanbul